Think Fast, Bluff Hard!

Play the Spy game with a twist! Add your own list of places and use the app to vote secretly!

Play SPYFrenzia

How to Play

One player, the game master, must first create a new room and then invite others to join this room. Once all players are in the game, the game master can start the game.

The game then asks one player to enter a prompt with missing word(s) or word(s) to use in a made up proverb. Once submitted, and an AI response has been secretly generated, all players will be asked to suggest their own responses. When all responses have been submitted, players will be presented with a list of all the responses and are asked to select the one they think was generated by AI. The game then reveals the results and shows the updated scored.

The game continues until each player has provided one prompt which completes one round. The game can be played in 1, 2 or 3 rounds as set by the game master in the game options.

The game can also be played without AI in which case players should vote for the best (i.e., most creative, funniest, etc) response.

Voting & Scoring

The game app will keep the scores for all players. Scores are displayed at the end of each round. Players gain 3 points if they guess the AI response and 2 points for each player who pick their responses.

Game Settings

Players can customize their game experience with the following options in the app:

  1. Include AI: Include or exclude AI respones.
  2. Number of Rounds: Choose number of rounds per player (1, 2, or 3)

Prompt Examples

Here are a few examples of prompts and potential responses by an imaginative player:

  • "Most people believe that ..."
  • "Monkeys spent most of their time ..."
  • "Men are better than women in only one thing: ..."
  • "If you encounter a lion, never ..."

FrazeFrenzia offers a perfect blend of creativity, guessing, and fun. Whether you're a master of invention or can read other people's and our AI's mind , FrazefFrenzia promises hours of fun for players of all ages and backgrounds!